Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.
Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)
The Dwelling Place Ministries Faith Letter is a personal letter that you are writing to God and yourself where you are writing God’s vision for your life for the year and for the future. In Habakkuk 2:2, God is telling the prophet Habakkuk a prophetic vision of the future for His people. God is telling the prophet to write the vision down and make it plain and understandable so His people can understand the vision and live it out. Your faith letter aligns your vision with God’s vision.
You are writing down the things that God is telling you, the things that God has placed in your heart, most of which flow from the desires of His heart. You are aligning the desires of your heart with God’s heart. In your Faith Letter, you are including a list of things that you are praying for God to fulfill in, through, and for your life in the coming year and in the future. Your Faith Letter can include things that God has promised you and is preparing you to receive. The letter can include things that God is telling you you will accomplish, receive, and/or overcome by faith. These can be things that God told you year after year or they can be something new. The Faith Letter is not a fantasy list or a wish list of things that we want. Rather, it is God’s vision list, a list of the things that God wants to accomplish in you and for you.
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)
God confirms His vision. Isaiah 55:11 are the promises of God which will fulfill God’s intended purposes.
Sometimes, when you look back on your Faith Letter(s), you will see that God accomplished several of the things you put before Him in prayer. Also, you will see things that God did not accomplish, which God will give clarity to. You are putting these things before the Lord.
We write a faith letter at the beginning of each year. Once you’ve completed your faith letter, have a member of your family or someone in The Dwelling Place Ministries partner, pray, and agree with you over the letter without sharing the contents. Remember, this faith letter is between you and God. Then place your faith letter securely somewhere in your home. In the beginning of the next year, retrieve the letter and see the fulfillment of God’s purposes in your life.
You can download the handout here: