Dear TDP Family,
The California Department of Public Health recently issued a state policy regarding the concern of coronavirus (COVID-19) to postpone or cancel gatherings. In order to comply with federal and state policies and to take necessary precautions to protect our congregation, our families, and our community, we will NOT be gathering in person this Sunday, March 22 for service and all Sundays thereafter for as long as the policy is in effect. Instead, we will have virtual gatherings as outlined below:
Sunday at 11am Meeting Details
March 22, 2020 ...................... Lifegroup Mini Assembly over the phone
March 29, 2020 ...................... Main assembly livestream service at live.thedwellingplaceministries.com
April 05, 2020 ......................... Lifegroup Mini Assembly over the phone
April 12, 2020 ......................... Main assembly livestream service at live.thedwellingplaceministries.com
The following Sundays ......... We will keep alternating between the Lifegroup Mini Assembly
and livestream service
Your Lifegroup leaders will contact you in the next few days about the new service structure, protocols, and platforms such as the phone conference number to dial for the Lifegroup Assemblies. These virtual gatherings are to ensure that we have constant pastoral covering and care as well as congregational communication, commitment, and connection with each other.
Please also take note of the following:
We encourage you to get enough communion supplies for the next several weeks or months.
California Governor Gavin Newsom said in his March 17’s press conference, “We have the ability to do martial law, things like that could layer new requirements and authority. If we feel the necessity to do that, we can do that.” See the 48 minutes 21 seconds mark of following video:
A martial law is the suspension of ordinary law and the imposition of direct military
control of a population.
To find out more information about the COVID-19 virus or if you have concerns or questions:
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Call 2-1-1 http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/novel-coronavirus-2019.html World Health Organization https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus Medical Emergency Call 9-1-1
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide periodic updates.
I want to remind you again that we don’t live in dread or fear. We live by faith. Romans 8:28 says “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I believe God is doing something amazing to combat this demonic virus and His incredible good is going to come out of this as we continue to trust Him. Remember, God is working out something good for you because He loves you and you love Him. Be ready to respond!
Pastor Carleton Lincoln